Presentation Guidelines (April 19, 26)

You will present your findings, research and your observation on your selected tanaka-kinuyo-moving-camerafilmmaker on April 19 & 26.

The following dates/time slots were secured last night. If you don’t see your name, you should contact me.

April 19:

Kathryn -Reese Witherspoon

Tanner  -Sly Stallone

Thomas – Steven Spielberg

April 26:

Sam – JJ Abrams

Allie – Robbin Williams

Chelsea – Julie Andrews

Christian – Hans Zimmer & The Empire Strikes Back



  • Length – 15 minute -30 minutes (minimum – 1 hour max)
  • Visual Aids – Optional – you may use powerpoint, Prezi, Keynote, Slidedog, etc. or short film clips or soundbytes, toys, photos, handouts, music clips, etc.
  • Notes – Don’t read your presentation –speak from notes. Remember –you are the expert, and you’re sharing that knowledge with us.
  • Top Five – Provide a list of five “must see” films from your filmmaker, and be able to explain why they’re the top five (if asked).
  • Be Prepared -There will be a time for Q&A from me and the class.


What to include

  • Bio – Provide background on hometown, family life, educational experience, early interests.antoinefuqua02
  • Entertainment Industry – How did they break into the film world? Are they involved in any other type of entertainment business? What was the first big break into the Biz? How were they trained in the biz (formal education, on the job training)?
  • Film Genres – Is the filmmaker drawn to certain types of films (animation, action, comedy, drama, etc.)?
  • Trademarks – What trademarks or reoccurring elements have you seen with your filmmaker? Specialties? Role types? Themes? Message focus? Actors, actresses, directors or cinematographers they may work with regularly? Reoccurring sound design elements, music styles or visual elements? Any particular character conflicts show up in most films?
  • Awards – What are some of the awards the filmmaker has achieved? Mention key (or landmark) films or types of roles? If it is several awards, mention number and identify 1st major award and film.

    John Hughes La folle journ}e de Ferris Bueller Realisateur COLLECTION CHRISTOPHEL
  • Present and future – What is the filmmaker currently working on, or planning to work on? Is there a new movie from the filmmaker currently in theatres? If so mention this and address if it is a success or failure (financial and critical).
  • Film Highlights – Since you have viewed three films from the selected filmmaker now you should be able to offer insights on what you’ve gained from viewing the filmmaker in action (if you haven’t already addressed this). Think about the stylistic and technical approaches to filmmaking, the things that stand out the most about the performances and productions, things you learned from watching the action critically instead of for pure enjoyment, things that grabbed your attention on film that reading about it on paper didn’t, etc. You’re not being asked to recap each film – just highlight your findings about the experience you gained from watching the filmmaker in action. Anything surprise you about the research and applied evaluations?
  • Five Things: Name three to five great things (or even trivia) that everyone should know about your filmmaker (if you haven’t already).
  • Q&A – You should provide a time for questions and answers either during your presentation or at the end (your choice).a-cameron-crowe-music-movies-say-anything-01


Peer/Audience Responsibility

  • Engagement – Everyone in the class should be engaged and should ask at least 2-3 questions of someone else each night.
  • Reviews & Assessments – You will be asked to provide a peer review and assessment of each film expert. I’ll provide guidelines.